Dream, Focus, Win, Repeat.

One of the mottos at LIFEguide is DREAM, FOCUS, WIN, REPEAT.  It comes from one of the most basic, but powerful Life Operating Systems you can put into place.  It is part of my Life Operating System that I have been using and training on since 2010, when I came up with the idea for LIFEguide.

Imagine walking into your office and the first thing you see is whiteboard on your wall with a list of your wins on it.  On this Wins List are dreams you have already accomplished, skills you have grown, gifts you have been given and natural abilities you have.  It’s an energizing boost of encouragement and confidence based on past wins.

Now imagine walking to your desk and seeing a whiteboard on that wall with a list of your dreams on it.  Your Dreams List includes all your upcoming projects, goals, and bucket-list items.  I like to think of all the things I want to do, the places I want to go, who I want to become, and even the things I want to give.

And finally, imagine sitting down at your desk and seeing on the wall in front of you a whiteboard with a list of those things you are focused on right now.  Your Focus List are items from your dreams list that you are currently determined to execute to completion before starting on something else and can’t be more than five things.

Dream, Focus, Win Board

This simple-sounding system, as long as I am engaged with it, produces powerful and measurable results, and let me tell you why.

Following one simple but strict rule sets everything in motion.  And the rule is “You can’t work on any dream, project, goal, etc. until it is moved to your focus list.” This creates a few powerful dynamics:

  • First, it turbo-charges focus, as you are limited to what you can work on and even think about until it is 100% accomplished. The things on your focus list are written in a way that can’t be misconstrued on whether they are complete or not. For example: I weigh 180lbs vs lose weight. I even prioritized the items on this list, where I would have to do all I could for the day on the first item, before working on the next to add even more focus.
  • Next, it creates built-in motivation, because that list of dreams right beside you are exciting and you want to work on them so badly, but by following the one rule, they become motivation to get one of your focus items off the list, so you can grab one of those dreams and start working toward it.
  • Finally, it gives you the energy, motivation, confidence, and positive attitude needed to do great things, when you get to see all your wins and realize if you have those already, then you can accomplish so much more, knowing what all had to happen for them to make the list.

And it all works together so well as your dreams get clearer and bigger with the more you accomplish, your focus gets heightened, and your wins continue to increase as you repeat the process over and over: DREAM, FOCUS, WIN, REPEAT!

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